6 Gifts for Those Who Love to Travel
One of the great benefits of getting older is having more time to travel. But being older can make travel a little more difficult. The right product can make all the difference. Why don't you give them the thing they didn't know they needed to make that trip a little easier? 6 of my favorites.
The Carbon Ultralight Rollator Walker- Weighing in at only 11 pounds the Carbon Ultralight is made of strong carbon fiber. It folds for easy transport and comes in 3 colors and 3 widths. And you know what else? It is gorgeous.
A Folding Travel Cane - A cane you can easily take with you. These folding canes can easily be put in a tote when wandering about or in a suitcase for the journey. In classic, modern and even pretty styles.
The World's Most Portable Walker - This walker folds 4x smaller than most walkers and weighs less than a gallon of milk. Put it in the back seat or in the overhead bin of a plane. It really is that easy.
Compression Socks- Compression socks are great for travel. They help circulation and keep your legs from getting tired. They can be cute too! Read more HERE about why compression socks are so good for travel. And shop Ease Living for compression socks that you will love.
A Folding Power Chair or Scooter- Sometimes a trip requires more walking than you are comfortable with. Don't skip the journey! Get a folding electric chair or scooter to take you everywhere you want to go.
The Air Elite is a folding electric chair that weighs less than 30 pound- with the battery!
Give a gift that will help travel stay enjoyable and safe. And send pictures!
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